Page's Seeds

Cantaloupe - Hales Best Jumbo - Packet of Seeds

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  • Regular price $0.99

Early shipper in south and southeast. Fruits 7.5" x 6" (19 x 15 cm.). Delicious, salmon orange color flesh, covered with heavy netting, light rib. Drought resistant. Requires heat and sunshine. Heirloom variety.

Culture: Sow 5 or 6 seeds in a group (hill) 3' (90 cm.) apart, when soil is warm.

Harvest: Once fruit turns light yellow-gold, it is close to ready. When the stem starts to slip from the vine, pick and eat.

Nutrition: Vitamins C and A.

Suggestion: Chill before serving.

  • Planting Depth: 1" (2.5 cm.)
  • Seeds per Group (Hill): 5-6
  • Spacing Between Seeds: 3" (7.5 cm.)
  • Spacing of Groups (Hills): 3'-4' (90-120 cm.)
  • Days to Germination: 10-20
  • Thin to Plants per Group (Hill): 2-3
  • Days to Maturity: 83