Page's Seeds

Cucumber - Poinsett 76 - Packet of Seeds (1 g.)

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  • Regular price $0.99

A very popular slicer, quick maturing 60-65 days, easy to grow vegetable. Productive over a long season. Disease tolerant to Anthracnose, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, and Scab. Dark green, slightly tapered 7.5"-8.5" delicious fruits. Heirloom variety.

Culture: Plant 8 seeds per group and space groups 3'-4' apart. Warm, lime-rich soil grows the best cucumbers. Keep vines picked clean for a continual yield. 

  • Planting Depth: 1" (2.5 cm.)
  • Seed per Group/Hill: 6-8
  • Spacing Between Rows: 3" (7.5 cm.)
  • Spacing of Groups/Hills: 3'-4' (90-120 cm.)
  • Thin to Plants per Group/Hill: 3
  • Days to Maturity: 60-65